Risotto certosina (Carnaroli or superfino arborio rice)


Carnaroli or superfino arborio rice (300 g)
River shrimps (400g)
Frogs (6)
Fillets of perch (4)
Peas (300 g)
Mushrooms(100 g)
Tomatoes (2)
Leeks (2)
Carrots (1)
Onion (1)
Dry white wine (1 glass)
Butter (80 g)
Extra virgin olive oil (as needed)
Celery leaves (as needed)
Salt (as needed)


Clean the frogs by removing the skin and wash them. Heat a saucepan with a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and 20 g of butter and sauté the chopped leeks, the carrot thinly cut into slices and a few celery leaves. After a few minutes add salt and the frogs. As soon as they become golden, pour half a glass of wine, let it evaporate and remove from the heat. Remove the frog legs and keep to one side, pour 1.5 liters of salted water into the pan and place it back on the heat to prepare the frog soup.

In another pot, boil the shrimps for a few minutes, shell them and add the shells to the frog soup, keeping to one side the shrimps’ pulp. When the soup is ready, strain it and keep it warm while preparing the risotto.

Place 30 g of butter and a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil in a pan with high sides, when warm brown half a chopped onion, then add the rice and toast it. After roasting, begin cooking the rice by adding the frog soup a little at a time; this process will take about 16 minutes.

Heat the other 30 g of butter in a pan and sauté a quarter of a chopped onion. Place the fillets of perch in the pan and after a few minutes add half a glass of wine and let evaporate. Add the peeled and seeded tomatoes, the peas, the mushrooms cut longitudinally, the frogs’ legs and the shrimp. Cover and cook over low heat for fifteen minutes.

To serve, pour the rice into the dishes then place the perch fillets, frog legs, shrimp and vegetables on top and season with the deglazed sauce.

Taken from the Tipideco Recipe – The flavor of the municipalities in the province of Pavia – Edizioni Bell & Tany